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just keep stroking, step-daddy (with alice march) - jerk off instructions

As a stepdad, you never figured that you would go bra shopping with your stepdaughter, but you did. Alice is a sweet girl and you like being nice to her. She wants to show you how cute her new bras are and she takes off hers and puts on the first one. It is girly with a little black lace on it. Frankly her tiny boobs do not need a bra, but she doesn t care. She tries on a pretty pink lacy number. You can feel your loins stirring. You know it would be wrong to do anything with her, but Alice sees that you have a growing hard-on. It would not be a good idea for her step-mom to come home to you with a hard dick, so Alice decides that you should make that hard-on go away. Take your dick out and take some long strokes for your sweet stepdaughter. She wiggles her ass at you and you really want to put your faces between her cheeks and wear her as a hat, but you must keep it under control. At least she is of legal age, but your wife would freak out if you put even a finger on her step-daughter

  • 00:07:22
  • Apr 03, 2024
  • 53


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