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a day in paradise!

I have a GREAT update for you guys this week. We are in the honor of three beautiful ladies, Ice la Fox, Paola Rey, and Veronique Vega. Anywho the shoot starts with the ladies making a little interesting wager amongst themselves to see who can make them ejaculate or cum like you guys might say, and off they go into the MEANSTREETS of Miami Beach(yea right lol).So off they go to find the one guy who would do it for them. A lot of guys turned them down man. I don’t know how. Carrying on, we come across two gentleman who seem willing to go on with our operation, but seem to have other business at hand. So we basically just tell them to meet us back our hotel. And amazingly they showed up. The first guy comes up a little short if you know what I mean. The second does his thing and takes care of business, and saves my ass. This will not disappoint. Stay tuned.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jul 10, 2008
  • 241


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