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jordan s amazing pussy

Hey guys, what s up? Man this week I have a special episode of Facial Fest for all of you. This girl sent Bangbros an email requesting to be on one of our sites. Her name is Jordan. This girl happens to be your average Middle American hometown girl. The best deal was, she was way more gorgeous in person than in the pictures she sent in. George and me went to pick her up at the beach; she happens to be vacationing in Miami with her parents, pretty random, huh? But, anyway, I really don t care about that, as long as her fine ass rides out with me. And let me tell you, she has one fine ass, nice and thick, just the way I like them. I took Jordan back to the office where we could get a little crazy, and the most amazing thing happened; this girl happens to have the biggest pussy I have ever seen in my life, I mean it is big. Right off the bat when I saw her pussy, my cock got hard, and I forgot all about the interviewing process and I went straight for the gold. Man, am I a lucky guy. This gal has it all. Don t miss out on Jordan s amazing big pussy.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 26, 2009
  • 181


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