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bartender that squirts

What s the most popular job for the cute Latina Girl in Miami Beach, aside of what you just thought? Of course bartender. And that s where Charley works. She loves her job cause she gets to see different people, meet them, talk to them and once in a while fuck them, right behind the bar counter. Yeah she had a lot of stories to told me when I first met her as she responded my ad. This girl is smoking hot and no wonder that she loves sex. She came to my place and we talk for a while until my boy showed up. Once she saw him she couldn t think of anything else but sex so as him. The sex was hot. She was riding this cock like a wild woman and squirted two times. Just go ahead and watch another hot Latina getting pounded. Enjoy!!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 22, 2008
  • 107


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