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eva angelina and the smurf reject

So we have a throw back episode, a pilot episode you can say. Eva Angelina was our model and she is hot!! She wanted us to hook her up on a date, so we hooked her up with Sebastian. He moved to Miami from the Keys and wanted to experience all that we had to offer. The only thing is that he looks kinda goofy and actually went on a date with blue hair..really? So we set these two up and sent them along to go see what happens..they went to this sensual massage parlor and he got to give Eva a massage. He rubbed her fat ass, wet clit and her amazing tits..what an awesome date! Then he took her to lunch and got to motorboat her for lunch. You think that was hot..wait until she took him to the hot tub.

  • 00:49:39
  • Jun 23, 2011
  • 105


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