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making our day with her coconuts!

Hey Guys, Did you miss while I was away? I went down to Spain for a week. I just had to get some sun on my body, its still acting like the middle of winter in Prague.Well Im back and s to say the sun felt really great, now Im ready for summer and ready to show off my sexy young body. As a soon as I got back to home I started calling my friends to have a little party but as luck would have it most of them are still out of town getting a short vacation in before the summer tourist season. So Im at home all alone with no one to play with but me, myself and I. But just knowing that your eyes are on me makes me all warm inside. I stood against the wall caressing my body, rubbing my boobs and then my stomach before touching and rubbing my pussy up and down. I laid down on the bed on my side and then rolled onto my back and began rubbing and squeezing my boobs and caressing my sexy legs. I pulled my bra down and began playing my nipple, teasingly rubbing it around and around and then I sl

  • 00:14:45
  • May 07, 2006
  • 187


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