I knew I shouldn t have tried to send seductive pictures to my boyfriend but we ve been apart for over a week and he misses me. We aren t supposed to be having sex either. I m nineteen and certainly old enough to use my body for pleasure if I want to. My step-mom freaks out about anything sex related which made me hesitate to send sexy pix to my boyfriend, but then, how would my step-mom ever know? I accidently sent the pix to my step dad, that s how my step-mom might know. My step-dad didn t respond to the pix so I was hoping he really didn t get them, like they were lost in cyberspace somewhere. When my step-dad got home from work he called me into his room right away and showed me what I was hoping to be forgotten. I didn t know what to do except make him an offer, a sexual offer if he wouldn t tell my step-mom what I did.
I know what a prude my step-mom is so figured anything sexually I could do for my step-dad was going to seal the deal of silence for me. I told him it was