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tropical goddess of our dreams!

Looking for your dream woman? The search is over! Sexy Sandra Shine is here and enjoying a holiday somewhere exotic as she struts it by the pool for you!I don t know about you, but just looking at this beauty is a vacation to a wonderland for me. Flawless in every way, and you get to enjoy her in a tropical setting. FANTASTIC! She s gonna blow your mind with what she does to and with her high heel pumps. I mean, if she treats a pair of shoe slike that, imagine what she would do to a guy or girl that she likes? Pheeeew. Worship this naked glistening goddess as she plummets a clear colored dildo in and out of her steamy trimmed tang and pops her toes into full HD view while doing it! Those toes do look delicious and she proves it by eating them herself! Bon apetit Sandra!

  • 00:23:42
  • Nov 27, 2007
  • 134


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