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trapped in between their legs!

Sexy teens Lucy and Thalia really get down and worship each others feet in this fiery foot fetish set. The two long legged cuties are like a super hot dream that you don t want to wake up from! Lucky for you all you need to do is hit the play button again and that dream can reoccur at any time!Wearing a full body fishnet stocking, black mini skirt and green top, Thalia looks like a gourmet dessert snack for our cocks! Lucy struts with matching black panty and bra with thigh high stockings and large black pumps. She looks like she could melt in our mouths, and our hands! Enjoy as this honeys get into some major hel and foot sucking, pussy rubbing, and dildo fucking action before they wrap each other up in between their legs. It s like a jigsaw puzzle of limbs you want to just get lost in!

  • 00:21:37
  • Dec 18, 2007
  • 196


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