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dog park arse!

First off its hot as hell down here in the M.I.A, and I needed to hit the streets to go look for a big booty chick to be my next assparade beauty. So I decide to swing by the local dog park to check out some girls walking their pups..And wouldn t you know it, I met this vanilla hotTAY by the name of Charlotte..This girl is so fucking hot, she has a gorgeous face, a nice pair of tits and one amazing phat ass..Lucky me, I brought JMac along so that he bang the hell of this big booty white chick..Charlotte is so fucking fine that I had to check out that phat ass right there in the park, the ass worship was incredible..We got tired of being at the park so we head back to her apartment, so we could get a closer look at that amazing plump bottom..You know she was horny as hell, and my was more than willing to give her the long dick, the blowjob was outrageous and the sex incredible..Fellas, this is a must see episode, Enjoy!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jul 02, 2006
  • 100


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