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prudish professor punishes a penis - taboo handjobs

I was chilling in my room one afternoon when my step-mom suddenly burst in, telling me that my professor showed up at the house and wanted to talk to me privately. The first thing I thought was which professor and what the hell did I get caught doing this time? Step-Mom told me that she was going to let my professor into my room to talk to me, so I had better get myself together quickly. I threw on a shirt, and waited for the hammer to fall.

To my relief, the professor who wanted to have a talk with me was none other than my hot MILF English professor, Mrs. Best. I ve had the hots for that old broad from the first time I walked into her class. She s actually kind of plain looking, and I don t think she gets a lot of attention from many of the guys on campus. But to me, she was just the type of woman who gets my heart pumping. She s super conservative, keeps her hair in a bun and wears some thick glasses. But underneath that prim and proper exterior, I suspect there s a slut in

  • 00:19:42
  • Jun 06, 2024
  • 44


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