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protein covered skinny dippin!

Hi guys, it s me again, Virginee, and I m here to inspire your wood! Anyway I was out at my guy friend s house enjoying the pool and the sun, when I realised that he and his friends were staring at me and making all these suggestive comments. So I thought I would have a little fun!Soon enough I was feeling horny too and figured that although there were four of them, it could be fun. I am not used to so many guys so it was hard to find all the cocks and share my time between them all, but once the fucking started that didn t matter anymore. I was in heaven: cock in my ass, cock in my pussy, cock in my mouth and one in my hand!!! When the guys were ready they all came and offered their throbbing pricks to me, so I sucked and jerked them all until I was covered in their splooge! Wow, time for a dip!

  • 00:13:36
  • Sep 12, 2006
  • 206


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