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whale dick

Once again the bait bus gang is driving around and Ellie is looking hot. Any ways they are talking shit about whale dick, What the fuck? Ok, well they are looking for hot boys to hook and deceive. Well they found one; his name is Alex, and they hooked him in by asking him for directions to the inner-city. So they got into small talk, and Ellie flashes him to show them around. Alex don’t have a girlfriend, but he has a pretty penis and Ellie wants to suck it while he is blind folded. Yeah right! Steve is sucking the cock instead, and when the blind fold comes off, Alex is happy, no actually he is mad as hell. He calmed down for $5,000 to fuck Steve, with the promise of fucking Ellie. Steve rides his cock legs open, and then Alex fucks him doggie, then missionary, and finally they dump Alex and they don’t pay him shit.

  • 00:00:00
  • May 08, 2008
  • 137


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