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mesmerizing stepmom

I got this awesome new app on my phone, and I can t WAIT to try it out on my stepmom, Lacy! I find her in the living room, reading, and show her the app, which SHE doesn t know mesmerizes her instantly, but I DO! My stepmom is under my control now, and I can t wait to boss her around! I tell her to make faces, dance, and strip, then I decide to put her in some compromising positions so I can take some photos and have them for future use when I might need something. My stepmom has a bangin body and I have her lay down and put her hands on her tits and pussy. I spread her legs, then snap some pics before getting interrupted by a phone call and leaving stepmom on the couch so I can go chat.

  • 00:08:22
  • Jan 15, 2024
  • 99


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