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the recomendation

Sometimes it can be hard to tell whether or not to take apersons wor don something especially when it comes to something important like fucking. I have this freind Nicki who callewd me up the other day cause she was just with this guy who she says was the best fuck she ever had...she had me up all night blabbin away and she insisted that i put the guy on my site...i was a little skeptical at first seeing as i know ho this girl can excaggerate but i figured what the i get the guys number and i call him up call up my camerman who actually brought a buddy...whata dooshbag he was...anyway we goto his place and get at bullshit in this hoot it was kinda weird actually we hardky even spoke he open the door we sit on his couch roll the camera and off to the races...its like we knew what we were there for so there was no need to fuck for whther or not my firend nicki was right lets just say i think it made for a good shoot enjoy watching get fucked i know you wil

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 27, 2007
  • 117


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