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raven haired beauty with knockers!

Hi Guys I’m Tina one of DDF’s new Busty’s. I’m a young sexy girl with jet black hair, piercing blue eyes and a full rack with big pink suck able nipples. I just love having big tits some times I find myself playing with them all day long and then there’s other times when I tell myself not to touch, this is a day for teasing my self. The other day I went out with a loose sweater on, my tits were out and guys couldn’t help but to stare, it always gets me so excited to watch guys stare at my tits. The early morning metro is the best, it’s very crowed and the people and cars are moving back and forth. Now either I have my tits in some lucky guys chest or my favorite is when I’m sitting down and he’s standing over me, he can look straight down and I can see the rise in his pants. After a few stiff ones in my face I could feel myself getting wet so I jump tracks and went straight back home to play with my tits and get myself off.

  • 00:15:30
  • Nov 15, 2006
  • 137


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