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big tit cougar richelle ryan picks up college guy

I was walking home from my college class minding my business when an older woman with big tits drove past me. I couldn’t believe my eyes or that it was me of all people. Things like this only happen in porn or movies. She told me her name was Richelle Ryan and she always had a thing for young guys who looked like me. I said “fuck it” and just hopped in, I couldn’t keep my eyes off her, I was caught up in class, no plans, and had nothing to lose. She took me to the top of an apartment garage where she laid my seat back and decided to suck my cock. She laid her legs over me and slid my cock inside of her. She wasn’t having it, she brought me back to her place and demanded that I fill her up with my cum.

  • 00:12:33
  • Mar 27, 2023
  • 356


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