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brewing balls in my mouth!

Hey there guys It’s Sabrina here, I sure hope that you are ready to have some fun because today I am in a very playful mood. I called my friend JJ over for a little fun and games and then I got myself dressed up all in black from head to toe. I even put on my mysterious mask. As soon as JJ arrived I made it clear that I was in charge, I was the Dom and he was going to play my Bitch. I slapped him around a couple of times with my riding crop and then I proceeded to lick my shoes and my feet. I wrapped my lips around his cock and started him off as nasty as I knew how, opening up as wide as I could and sucking down to his cum brewing balls. JJ slid his big cock I deep in my pussy and fucked me with every thing that he had giving me an orgasm that was over due and well deserved. He shot his load al over my shoes and feet and I happily licked it up, drop by cummy drop.

  • 00:24:38
  • Feb 25, 2007
  • 256


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