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colby chambers unleashes his thick cock into kane fox

Kane Fox, a hottie new to ColbyKnox, gets a sexy salutation to the site with some Colby Chambers kisses. The studs are on the studio’s bed, making out. Coby wears blue underwear; Kane is in black shorts, with white trim. Both are shirtless. Colby gets on his knees. “Fuck, yeah,” he says. “Play with that dick.” Kane’s hand slowly strokes Colby’s cock. He’s the first to suck dick. Colby helps Kane get rid of his shorts. Then he places his head in Kane’s lap, ministering to his meat. “Fuck. That feels so good,” Kane moans. His hand reaches for Colby’s butt, pulling the shorts down and kneading the cake. “That’s such a nice ass,” notes Kane. “Why don’t you let me taste that hole,” Kane asks. Colby has a different plan. “Why don’t you suck my dick instead,” he suggests. Both parties agree to this proposal. :-) Colby pulls his shorts down. Kane gets on his hands and knees, swallowing Colby’s johnson. “Suck that dick,” Colby instructs. “Cup those balls, too.” Kane’s spit falls from the shaft...

  • 00:33:48
  • Jan 17, 2024
  • 122


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