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the step mom: 50 shades of taboo! (part 1)

With her step son’s birthday coming up, Gwen wanted to get him something special, and due to the nature of their secret relationship, she wanted to make it something VERY special! At first, Gwen thought she would go the surprise route... Maybe just buy herself a sexy outfit, get him naked, and give him a day of back rubs, blowjobs and sex! I mean, what guy isn’t going to go for that right?!

But before committing completely to a surprise day, Gwen decided that she would do the one thing she herself wished everyone would do for her on HER Birthday: Ask her what she wants! Besides, Myles father was gone away on work for several more days, so it’s not like time was against them. If there was something specific he wanted for his birthday, they could do that first, then they could fuck all day!

Myles must have had this wish ready for a long time, because when Gwen asked him what he REALLY wanted for his birthday, an excited, evil smile instantly appeared on his face…

He told her that there was something he had been wanting for a long time now. Something that he had been fantasizing about since the day his father introduced them, and something he wanted even more, now that they were fucking on a regular basis:

Gwen, tied to the bed, to completely have his way with! So kinky! And something Gwen wasn’t expecting at all! His foot fetish and addiction to her flawless feet and perfectly wrinkled soles, often made him the perfect sub, so to hear that there was a dominate side waiting to come out caught Gwen s curiosity and intrigue…

It was his birthday, and if that’s what he really wanted, that’s what he was gonna get! She told him yes, and that she would just have to pop out to a sex store and get some ropes… But that’s when he told her that he already had everything they needed, rushing off to his room and coming back with a bag of ropes, feathers, cuffs and other toys!

Gwen eagerly, but nervously started to get naked and prepare herself to be strapped naked to the bed so that Myles could have his way with every inch of her helpless body, but that’s when he told her to leave her panties on… That a BIG Part of his fantasy was to tease, tickle and make me moan & beg like crazy!!

Did she just hear that right?! Her pet and personal foot boy wanted to sexually dominate her?! As nervous as she was that he may actually be able to tease and tickle her to desperation, she was just too curious to stop this now!

Minutes later, Gwen was tied snug to her bed in just her panties, and Myles was straddling above her arms with what looked like two very soft makeup brushes… Oh fuck, where those for her underarms? She quickly found out that she was indeed half right about that - They were ALSO for my nipples

It only took Myles a couple of minutes to have her wet and alarmed at how devastatingly fast he was teasing and edging her towards horny desperation! She wasn t expecting a sub like her Step Son to have so much patience and methodical skill when it came to teasing! She also wasn’t expecting him to massage and tickle her clit THROUGH her panties without mercy like that!!

Between that, and the rest of the teasing Myles was inflicting on her, Gwen s natural dominance was quickly melting away into horny, milf submission, and she heard herself moaning and cooing to the point that she almost didn’t recognize myself! Despite her best efforts, Gwen couldn’t seem to fight it! Myles was slowly breaking her, there was nothing she could do about it, and he hadn’t even taken her panties off yet!!

To Be Continued…

  • 00:14:35
  • Jan 09, 2024
  • 89


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