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a tall glass of mmm, mmm, mm!

Hot babe Wanda is back as Wivien and with a rather larger chest. She still has a smoking pair of legs too! At 5 8 this babe is all kinds of Mmm, Mmmm, mmmmm! Enjoy this set where she is dressed up in heels and a really short teddy looking nothing short of stellar!Those legs are ling and silky and ive already imagined them wrapped around my head Thrice! Choking me out like an anaconda, but the one thing that s keeping me alive is that my nose is buried right inside her veegee and receiving oxygen from within! Gorgeous place to be I ll tell ya! This babes doggy style position is like BOOM! The wicked shots of her legs and feet are relentless, careful with your peckers gentleman, could be easy to shift into overdrive with this honey!

  • 00:17:52
  • Apr 25, 2007
  • 170


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