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double fortune cookie delight!

Regina Moon and Florancia are a hot pair of brunettes who get their feet worshiped by Nick before they return the favor by sucking, footing and fucking him to orgasm! Dressed in oriental dresses their legs are like a couple of pair of royal chopsticks, with all the right trimmings! They serve their man Nick in the most pleasing of ways. One bobbing his baguette, while the other strokes his balls and lower shaft with her heels and twinklers. Doggy style for the other while sucking off some juicy toes. Yest for the other, some reverse cowgirl with her perfectly bald wonton in full view for our tongues the essence of. Then a final squirt onto toes and mouth!

  • 00:28:54
  • Jun 10, 2007
  • 500


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