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my happy ending (with addie juniper) - joi

Today you are getting a massage and the girl is super sexy. It seems that Addie immediately sees your boner and she swiftly moves to another area of your body. This is not that kind of massage parlor, you know! This is a professional place of business, after all. If you relieve yourself instead of Addie doing it, Addie says she will clean up your mess. You are not going to get any manual assistance from her, but she will help you through otherwise. She reveals her tits to you for stimulation, but you have to promise that you will not tell anyone what she is doing. She gives you a little bit of massage oil to aid you in your masturbatory efforts. Addie is even kind enough to offer a few tips on how to handle your meat, including the double-handed twist technique. She then slides down her pants so you catch a glimpse of her pussy. Your time with Addie is nearly over, so she is hoping you can let out all your tension when you cum. To help you along, she spits onto your cock as she reminds

  • 00:06:54
  • Feb 28, 2024
  • 62


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