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her toes are like lovely treasures

Elektra Angel put on quite a show when she came in for her casting and she looked very different too! Check out her casting video with darker hair, paler skin and plenty of toe play!Dressed in long leather boots and some commando style pants she quickly removes her blouse and seduces us instantly! Smiling so cute the whole time, I just want to pinch her cheek, then fill it with my sausage. Oooops, sorry, that just kinda came out. Enjoy the views of her well manicured toes and long, slender, lovable legs. She is so damn fine just laying on the bed displaying her complete awesomeness! Deny sure knows how to find his honeys! Doggy style on the bed and a close up the prettiest toes ever wrap up this casting!

  • 00:05:54
  • Jan 15, 2008
  • 128


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