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introduction to roleplay!

Karen arrives at her teacher s office for some extracurricular instruction and is pleasantly surprised by what she finds. Laid out on the desk are an assortment of disciplinary accoutrements that give her both a concern and a shiver of anticipation. When Domina arrives fully decked out as the dominatrix she is, she furthers Karen s education as a slave and servant. First she strips the girl naked and puts her in a bondage harness. She proceeds to inspect some of the intimate parts of the young student producing a flush of both embarrassment and excitement for the girl. Karen begins to cooo and ahhh as she is being handled by her newfound Mistress. Her lesson concludes with the use of her tongue and mouth licking and sucking her Mistresses feet. in the role of foot slave.

  • 00:09:09
  • Jan 01, 2008
  • 166


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