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orange you so horny?

Two raven haired beauties gettin jiggy with their foot fetish lesbian action today! Sexy Simony and horny Regina Moon get down to the ground with their ultra sexy bods and dressed up all in red and black pumps and matching stockings and lingerie. These girls deserve a double squirt of protein, so get your pump action rifles ready to go!Ravishing in every way, from their shiny lipsticked lips, to their gorgeous trimmed vanilla pies, the pussy to foot action is mind blowing. Regina s pussy looks outstanding with its nicely placed piercing, makes you just want to flick it and suck it for all of eternity! Simony does a great job of massaging it with her toes, and then the girls drop a couple of oranges to the ground, get them juiced up on their feet and ecome tangled in an unsolvable leg puzzle that ends with their feet in each others mouths!

  • 00:27:23
  • Mar 14, 2008
  • 175


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