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best blowjob in the universe!

Hot blond babe Dona loves a man with a toned body and hard dick so Choky was perfect for her in this scene! It opens up in the kitchen and she is SMOKIn hot in all her golden accessories and long flowing blonde hair! But the dick in the mouth is what really takes her up a notch, as well as all the eye contact she gives! Even mean looks, like she is going to fuck that hard dick up with her mouth! I mean, see for yourself, she is ferocious, and I mean that in the BEST possible way! I think if I had one blow job left in this lifetime, and I could pick anyone to give it to me, she would definitely be my choice! She sucks cock with so much gusto, that you just feel like she s their with ya! Man, I ll be jerking off to this one for years to cum!!

  • 00:10:48
  • Sep 11, 2007
  • 220


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