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cumming with penelope reed - joi

Penelope is embarrassed, but she has to ask you something. Have you been with a lot of girls? She has been only with her boyfriend and she wonders if you would show her your cock. She wants to experience something else. She would not touch you, so it isn t cheating, she reasons…and she would really like to see your dick in person. You are proud of your endowment and you whip it out for Penelope. She is shocked at how big you are. Will you jerk your dick off really close to her mouth? As soon as you start stroking yourself, Penelope is entranced. She cannot resist taking off her clothes and touching herself. You love her stiletto fingernails and you imagine how the sharp tips would feel as they dragged across your hard cock. Before you realize it, Penelope has not only made you cum, but also made herself cum.

  • 00:07:22
  • Feb 22, 2024
  • 99


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