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earning permission to cum (with olive glass) - joi

Raven-haired Olive Glass is unimpressed with you right from the start. You came to her because you want to cum, but good luck. You are told to rub your little dick through your pants. It would be a smart idea to do exactly as Miss Olive tells you. When she tells you to take your tiny cock out and to stroke it, you follow her instructions. You may not cum unless and until she gives you permission. You would do anything for Miss Olive. Do not look her in the eyes, loser! You will have to work hard to earn permission to cum. Her tits are peeking out beneath her black tank top. Would you like to lick her back lace-up boots? Maybe later you can lick her boots later, but for now, just keep stroking your tiny cock. Her tone is harsh and she is verbally humiliating you – and you could not be happier! Miss Olive laughs at you as you struggle to jerk off your small dick. You are just a toy meant for her amusement. You know your place. She stands before you wearing only those sexy boots and you c

  • 00:07:33
  • Feb 20, 2024
  • 210


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