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jerk-off fantasy thinking about my step sister odette - joi

Your step sister Odette gave you $20 to keep your quiet about her coming home late last night. You have ratted her out to your parents and she is not happy about this and she wants revenge. What can she do for revenge? Poof! She now stands in front of you in a corset, panties, and thigh-high stockings, wielding riding crop. She is displeased when you reveal your sad, little dick to her. You are commanded to stroke your dick for your dominatrix step sister, and she tells you that you need only use two fingers, given the diminutive nature of your cock. It is made clear that you are to cum only when given permission to do so. Odette will make sure that you do just as you are told. Have you been fantasizing about her and jacking your little dick? You are more of a pervert than she even realized. When she gets onto the bed with you, you notice her sexy boots. The meaner she is to you, the harder your little dick seems to get. What do you think your parents would say if they knew your step s

  • 00:09:24
  • Feb 16, 2024
  • 113


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