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wet and messing pants in uber with gf sunshine tampa

You & your GF, Sunshine, is in the backseat of Uber & you re BOTH very desperate to pee & go #2. You ve been watching her squirm but she finally verbally admits it! So hot to hear her use all the crude words like piss and SH--. Clench! You can t hold your bladder and bowels long; you start losing control... wetting your pants & pushing out a big load in the back! She comments on how bad it smells & hopefully the driver doesn t notice. Watching you lose control makes her lose control of her front and backside... she s sitting in a puddle of her pee now! Eww... she can feel it in her panties... it s turtling out and oozing out. It must ve been something you both ate. You run from the car to the front door but you re so turned on, you have to tell her the truth... she s surprised but not grossed out!

  • 00:06:05
  • Jan 21, 2024
  • 81


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