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huge pain from small spike ring

Calmly, the sadistic cat begins to explain how the ring she holds in her hands works. It is a modified version of a Kali s Teeth ring. A metal ring, with small, very pointed pins. The diameter is just big enough to fit a thumb inside.
Miss Yara now turns her attention to her prey. The zipper of the black latex catsuit of the slave Cosmo is opened and the penis is taken out. Unfortunately, it is already erect just from the idea of what may come.
Yara still tries to place the pinned ring on the most sensitive part of the cock. Directly under the glans. Cosmo protests loudly against the pain. Miss Yara allows him some time to shrink and then attaches the ring.
Now the teasing begins. Miss Yara does everything possible to make the cock as hard as possible. She gently tongues the glans and the effect starts immediately. Under cries of pain Cosmo is punished for his own lust. Yara is completely unimpressed by any protest. She continues unperturbed. She starts to stimulate the cock m

  • 00:25:10
  • Jan 08, 2024
  • 241


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