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morning belly button routine

What a better way to start the day off then with playing with my beautiful belly button? Taking my shirt off so that I can finger it easier I take it in and out smoothly and sometimes fast with my finger exploring every bit of it and pulling it out for you to see and admire. It feels so good and helps relax me so much I can t help but feel comfy and safe while doing this. I love starting my day off this way! Wouldn t you? I tease you some with it turning away briefly and then back fully for the camera for you to see it all in amazing detail. I make sure to grab the camera for a bit and snag some close ups for you in order to see everything crystal clear. Innie to outie and over again while stretching and getting my day started. I love spending my mornings this way!
Tags. finger, innie, outtie

  • 00:10:11
  • Jan 02, 2024
  • 44


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