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the whore takes four

WOW... who would have imagined when I went to Vegas to do my 1st shoots ever, that just after filming with Richard Mann, they asked me if I would like to live out a fantasy by having 4 amazingly sexxxy Black men run train on me together?!?

But that is exactly what happened. Luckily I caught the attention of legendary BBC slayer Jonathan Jordan and he told me he wanted the honor to help me experience my first 5 sum, so he got 3 other Bulls to join him and the journey began to take 4 men at once.

This was a life-long fantasy and WOW was it amazing. Having a BBC in my ass & pussy at the same time while sucking and stroking 2 others, I mean what more could a slut ask for?????

This is an hour of hot 5sum nastiness with multiple cum scenes, DP, anal, all of it... plus you get to see Mr. Jonathan Jordan interview me at the start.... and then he finished deep inside me too!

Now watch all 1 hour of this and see what a perfect white slut I am for my Black Kings!!!

  • 00:54:46
  • Jan 09, 2024
  • 375


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