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tmilf boned for peanut butter

Adam s neighbor Stacy comes over and has grabbed the peanut butter that Adam owns before asking to borrow it. He is upset because he wants people to ask before holding it. Stacy needs it so bad and will do anything to get it. She starts to come on to Adam but he resists because he and her husband are friends. Stacy understands but wants the peanut butter so bad. Adam and Stacy start to kiss and make out a little. He plays with her nice manmade tits giving them a lick and notices something down in her pants. She takes her shorts off and her cock is out. Adam loves it and gives it a little stroke, then Stacy notices Adam s hard bulge and wants a taste before having peanut butter. Adam gets a nice sensual suck of his cock. She got meat for her sandwich later lol. Stacy then receives a taste of her ass as Adam jerks her cock and she moans like crazy begging to have something in it. She asks for it and gets fucked in her booty hole in both doggystyle and missionary until Adam cums good on h

  • 00:24:56
  • Jan 18, 2024
  • 89


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