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extreme slut training: super whore simone steele rough 2nd session

Simone Steele is one of the most amazing Whores to ever touch a dick. This woman was brought to me by her sister Lee Kennedy and she had her first session a couple months ago. A week after that first session Simone Steele hit me back begging for a 2nd session. Simone Steele is a different type of Slut and the normal order of Slut Training will NOT do for a Slut of her caliber. For a Slut like Simone Steele Extreme Slut Training is what is needed. Its a lot rougher and is made for Sluts like Simone Steele. Where Simone Steel lives there is no one to use her in the way she needs to be used so in the 2nd session she was super hungry. I knew I had to really go in, that this would be a long session.
THIS SLUT IS FANATICALLY INSANE OVER MONSTERCOCK...and she can take it balls deep in all 3 holes. This is the most amazing whore in the whore world, no lie

  • 00:45:30
  • Dec 29, 2023
  • 6360


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