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long sweaty raw orgy fuckfest with jack valor & jesse stone

“Have your way with me, big strong men!” This is how Colby Chambers introduces this video. The men on the sofa are Jack Valor and Jesse Stone. Two guys who need little encouragement to “have their way” with studly Colby. :-) Mickey Knox, Colby’s man, enters the scene, placing a tender kiss on Colby’s backside. Jack and Jesse leave for a minute as Mickey straddles Colby. He grabs two scoops of booty, smacking a cheek for good measure. Jack’s plump piece of man meat shakes in front of the camera. Jesse comes back to the sofa. He and Jack get naked. Jesse sits down and is straddled by Jack. Mickey gets on his stomach, swallowing Colby’s rod. He massages Mickey’s ass and does the same to Jack’s. Jack mimics Mickey by getting on his stomach and sucking Jesse off. Mickey slides over to slobber on Jesse’s johnson. Jack sits next to Jesse and the two kiss. And Colby laps up Mickey’s hole. Jack wants his shaft serviced by a warm mouth. So he gets on his knees and feeds Jesse...

  • 00:35:56
  • Jan 08, 2024
  • 266


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