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secret meeting of the feet!

Hi, it s me Cherry, back again! I hooked up with this sweet Hungarian honey called Lora and we had some real foot fetish fun! She s actually a colleague of mine in the hospital where I moonlight. We had been staring at each other for awhile. Sometimes, I could feel the heat of her gaze on my tits and it really turned me on. So on this particular day, when we were all alone in one of the prep rooms, we just went for it!The great things is that both of us not only love to eat good pussy, but we love feet too! My pussy was bald, hers had a landing strip, made for the perfect poon to poon friction action!We ended up toying with our feet for most of the time, dripping baby oil all over them. We were a bit worried that if we started fucking each other, we wouldn t be able to stop and might alert the others. But we did manage to get a foot in each other s doors and you can bet your ass were gonna finish what we started once our shift is over!

  • 00:17:40
  • Sep 01, 2006
  • 196


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