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the rider of all holes!

I have to admit I am a bit of a slut... I can t help it, but I am always craving some cock. When I got the call that I could come in, screw a nice guy and get paid, I started counting my chickens! As soon as the film started rolling we were at each other jerking and slurping until he was ready to enter. We did me on top, him on top, and 69 and I was dribbling girl goo like crazy. His cock was slick with my juice so I told him the back door was open if he wanted. He didn t need a second invitation and soon I had my ass splayed wide by his throbbing tool. As he took turns pumping my ass or having me suck and jerk his meat he moaned that he was ready to pop. He withdrew from my gaping ass and let fly his liquid genetics before filling my mouth with his cock once again! Wow, can t wait for my next call from DDF!

  • 00:26:19
  • Jun 01, 2006
  • 286


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