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sexy tit show of a lifetime!

Anita Queen and Jennifer Max have been friends for quite some time but they havent seen each other in a while so needless to say these girls have a lot of catching up to do. Jennifer sat on the bed and began caressing her body, teasing herself and Anita who watched her from afar. Anita joins her and they begin kissing and playing with each other as they strip off each other s clothes. They lick and suck on each other s nipples and tits before working their way down and doing a tongue dance on each other s willing pussies and swollen clits, making the other all hot and wet. They slid their fingers in and out of each other s pussies as they continued licking away, giving each other orgasms that they could be proud of.

  • 00:21:46
  • Oct 10, 2006
  • 202


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