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cock with her coffee!

Coffee and Cream? This little blondes name is Milli and shes thrilled to have a new man in her life. He helps out around the house with out having to be asked and even makes her morning coffee! She trys to give him a hand by bringing him some milk but he prefers to drink his coffee black, telling her that if she wanted some cream for coffee she could help by whipping up something fresh. Being the nasty girl that she is she squatted down and went right to work slipping his cock in her warm wet mouth and started sucking away. He helps her get undressed and then has a seat so she can get back to work, wrapping her lips tightly around his big hard cock as she spread her ass open in Doggy. Milli sits on the floor as her man stands above allowing her to lick his balls and then sits in the chair to finish the job before grabbing her cup for his cream. She jerks on his cock filing her cup with cream and takes a sip of her morning brew and then her man starts pissing all over her washing her face and giving her a golden shower.

  • 00:21:01
  • Oct 11, 2007
  • 161


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