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working as diapered sissy slave with anastasia rose

Themes include: Diaper Humiliation, Small Penis Encouragement, Sissification, Cumming.
You re applying for an intern cleaning an maintenance job at a popular girls sorority & being interviewed by Anastasia Rose. You seem totally qualified but there s a couple of small caveats you should know about. Did you want to get started on the job and see what it entails? First, she drops the ball that, every shift, you ll be diapered. What!?!? Yes, seriously. She ll take you into the nursery so you can get started right away. She pulls out a huge PINK diaper & starts putting it on you... the whole shebang, wipes and powder before she tapes it up tightly! Awww... once she sees your wittle weiner, it s so small and cute.... like a clitty. She also gets a black PVC maid outfit and tells you this is what you ll be wearing! and a frilly pink crinoline skirt underneath the dress too. But first, she takes out a vibrator to make that little clitty of yours cum first so you won t be di

  • 00:12:00
  • Jan 18, 2024
  • 78


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