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Kaylee works for a collection agency. It’s something she started for herself after getting out of debt years ago. She has many clients. Some of them are rich. Some of them are poor. Will just so happens to be one of the rich ones. Which is great for Kaylee. When he pays his debts. Now he is asking for an extension, so he doesn’t get in trouble. This wouldn’t be an issue, but Kaylee doesn’t quite trust him.
Given the lack of trust she decides to do a little bonding exercise. She is going to fuck him and if its good she will take that as a sign of effort on his part and a reason to trust him. When she proposes the idea Will is a little weird about it, but then he feels a big juicy titty and he is all on board. To see if he got the extension go look at this amazing scene.

  • 00:32:15
  • Dec 26, 2023
  • 611


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