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getting a[head] in school

Julius was always a curious boy. He was always wondering how the world worked and why. Today he had his first erection when he sat next to the prettiest girl in class. He didn t know what to do. She noticed and taunted him tellin him that he couldn t have her and that he wasn t good enough. But this only aroussed him further. He bagan to stroke his cock in class, hoping that it would make this girl undress and caress it with her mouth. But reality as if a slap to the face goaded him, the teacher mrs. Victoria called to him to answer a question on the board. Julius panicked how will be able to get up with it being up. He had to swallow his pride and rise. As he rose the whole class got a look at the massive tent that was bulging out of his khaki pants. All the students laughed and ridiculed him, but not mrs. Victoria, she just stared in utter amazement. Julius determined to not let this get him done proudly walked to the front of the class and answered the question correctly, finished and sat back down. Afterward Mrs. Victoria dismissed the class and asked Julius to stay after class. Julius thought he was introuble, that is until the teacher fucked him on the desk.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 13, 2007
  • 180


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