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delicious encounter

Blonde Ally from the Czech Republic and brunette Agnes from Mongolia are here to perform for you today. Watch how quickly they get carried away with foot worship fun as they probe and prod their nubile teen bodies on a satin bed! Wearing long socks, they tease each other with their sweet slits as prelude to laying down and enjoying some foot-69 as they savor their equal size 6 feet in their socks. They alternate between nibbling on their sock-covered toes and their bared beavers, but when Ally peels off Agnes’ turquoise striped socks, things really move into high foot fetish gear as Ally goes from sniffing deep of those socks to really glomming on her friend’s gorgeous toes and licking her soles. More snatch service follows but soon enough Ally is back on Agnes’ digits, although Agnes is soon giving as good as she gets, taking off Ally’s white thigh highs and savoring those feet with her tongue. A lovely encounter between two delicious young gals, caught in a fetish XXX video you’ll long remember!

  • 00:30:42
  • Nov 23, 2008
  • 326


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