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awesome toe triangle!

You are in for an epic toe fest when we present Jane F, Lulu, and Deniska in a Best of HLF video that demonstrates how three in knee socks know how to have fun. Auburn-pigtailed cutie Jane F is the stand-out in this movie when she delightedly sucks and licks her friends bare feet. She is also awesome when she rubs Deniska s sock-covered size nines against the petals of her luscious pussy. Denys DeFrancesco and his camera crew capture some great low angles from the floor that almost make us feel like miniature men spying on cute young giantesses doing their thing! The triangle of girls is very sexy indeed, especially when they re still wearing the knee socks, and the toe-sucking by Lulu and Jane is spirited. But as we say, Jane is really tops here, wiggling her bare toes in glee at our faces in enormous closeups that will make you feel you re really there in the room with her and her lezzie pals. This movie even includes Deniska polishing her friend s toenails in yellow and orange!

  • 00:25:45
  • Aug 15, 2010
  • 213


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