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mary gives her man a sensual massage with a very happy ending

Mary is treating her man to a sensual massage when she kicks things up a notch by laying down and having her man eat out her box from behind. Time to get him real hard, she wraps her lips on his fat cock and gives him some soft head, slowly licking and gagging on his shaft. This girl is a born rider, she climbs on top and rocks her fine ass on his dick taking her time to get pleasure. She lays on her front and he pumps her deep in the pussy while she grips onto the bed and spreads her butt cheeks for more. After he has fingered her ass, she is ready for an anal blasting and he spoon fucks her hard and fast while holding onto her perky tits. Finally, she drains the cum out of his dick with her tight teen ass and has him pull out to give her a cumshot all over her cheeks.

  • 00:21:09
  • Jun 11, 2015
  • 157


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