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anal babes kathy anderson and keira farrell have their asses fucked

“Open Legs, Open Minds”, Private introduces you to Kathy Anderson and Keria Farrell who start the scene with some rough action! Keira holds Kathy’s head and makes her deep throat a big fat cock while she caresses her big fat ass and waits for her own taste of cock. Keira then gives her man a blowjob through the legs of Kathy and she takes turns sucking dick and licking pussy. Kathy is first to ride, she opens up her ass and takes some hard anal while Keria waits going ATM when she can. Keria Farrell does what she does best by climbing on top and riding with her tight ass hole. The girls know how to share, Kathy lies on her side and takes some pumps hard and fast to the butt; Keira gets the same treatment, having her round ass split with hard anal. Then, this British bombshell bends over and has her ass stuffed from behind while Kathy eats out her pussy. After Kiera gives Kathy a sloppy rim job, the girls open wide and take a heavy cumshot to their open mouths.

  • 00:17:05
  • Sep 23, 2015
  • 165


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