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wearing red stripes and giving red stripes part 1

Dog gifted his mistress a new outfit. A red bodysuit with many straps, which flatters her figure quite wonderfully. So provocatively dressed she now strides to action.
Briskly the arms are attached to the ceiling above his head and pulled up even further with the crane. There it goes already. The lashes thunder painfully down on the poor little dog.
It tries to make the mistress proud and not to give a cry of pain. Without sparing Dog, the mistress goes at him with full force. Each blow infuses the doggie with pain.
Miss Yara occasionally has to take a short break to recover from the effort of whipping. Especially the heavy and long whips are exhausting to use. When the mistress is finally satisfied, the doggy is allowed to kiss her boots in deep adoration each time in thanks.

  • 00:23:55
  • Dec 25, 2023
  • 72


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