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pov: train ride: you are reading a book and a sexy, slutty fellow passenger joins you. public sex (full ver)

In the steel confines of a speeding train, where the rhythmic clatter of wheels on tracks played a melody of travel, Apollo found himself in a quaint compartment, engrossed in the pages of Bulgakov s The Master and Margarita. The dim light cast a warm glow upon the man features as his eyes traced the words, delving into the enigmatic world of literature.

As the train hurtled through the night, a sudden interruption shattered Apollo s solitary literary voyage. The door to his compartment swung open, and in stepped a young, captivating enchantress – her beauty adorned with cascading locks that danced like the flickering flames of passion. Her eyes, an invitation to an unknown realm, locked onto Apollo with an intensity that transcended mortal audacity.

With an enigmatic smile, she joined him in the two-person compartment, and the air became charged with an energy that defied the mundane reality of train travel. Her movements were like a seductive dance, a choreography of

  • 00:32:10
  • Feb 26, 2024
  • 398


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